Thursday, March 28, 2013

words about reading from Charlie Munger

I came across this famous person, Charlie Munger, again from the book "Hedgehogging". I feel quite embarrassed that I did not ever know this big guy and the words of his wisdom, which let me think seriously about the importance of reading, particularly to myself. The follows is a piece of words from him.

"I have said that in my whole life, I have known no wise person over a broad subject matter area who didn’t read all the time—none, zero. Now I know all kinds of shrewd people who by staying within a narrow area can do very well without reading. But investment is a broad area. So if you think you’re going to be good at it and not read all the time, you have a different idea than I do. . . .You’d be amazed at how much Warren [Buffett] reads.You’d be amazed at how much I read. "    —Charlie Munger at the Berkshire Hathaway 2003 Annual Meeting

                                           Charlie Munger at Berkshire Hathaway's 2010 shareholder meeting (source, Wikipedia)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Interesting words said about economists

I came across this interesting word in the Macroeconomics book by Abel Bernanke and Croushore.

President Harry Truman expressed the frustration of many policymakers when he said he wanted a one-handed economist one who wouldn't always say, "On the one hand, . . . ; on the other hand . . . . "

Tuesday, March 26, 2013




Monday, March 25, 2013

Something from "Hedgehogging" -- trap of randomness

So I am reading a very nice book, "Hedgehogging" which tells stories about hedge fund and the people.

As I am from a statistics background, I am automatically sensitive to numbers (with uncertainty) and probability and the combination of the two. In Chapter 8, I am impressed by an example that the author cites from "Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets".

The example says:
You are an excellent investor, and are able to gain additional 15% return above US bond. The variability (standard deviation) of your return in a year is 10%. (Assuming your return rate follows a normal distribution ), then you have about 93% chance to gain more then the US bond in a year.

Then the author cites a table from that book which illustrate the relationship between the probability that you gain more than US bond and the time frame you are checking your return. However, the results in table from the original book are simulation based. Actually, we can calculate the exact number for the table. So I automatically cannot help calculating it and update the table as follows --

If you compare results in this table with the original table, you will see very tiny difference.

Here is formula to calculate the probability that you will gain more than US bond, given that you gain 15% more than US bond and the standard deviation of your return in a year is 10%.

Let X_t be your return in a time span T. Let N be number of period of time span T to be a year. For example, N=3 means time span T is 4 month, which is one season; N=365 means time span T is a day. Assuming X_t also follows a normal distribution and X_t's are independent of each other; therefore, X_t ~ N(mu, sigma/sqrt(N)), where mu is 15% and sigma is 10%. Thus, the probability you gain more than US bond,

P(X_t>0 ) = P_norm(mu/(sigma*sqrt(N)))

P_norm is cumulative probability function of standard normal distribution. 

The follows is a simple R code to calculate the above:

u=0.15 # on average you earn 15% more than US bond per year
sig = 0.1 #variability of your annual return

prob_noloss <- function(u, sig, T) pnorm(u/(sig*sqrt(T)))

#probability you gain more than US bond per year

#probability you gain more than US bond per season

#probability you gain more than US bond per month

#probability you gain more than US bond per day

#probability you gain more than US bond in per hour

#probability you gain more than US bond in per minute

This example may looks simple and have strong assumption in the calculation. But the way that the authors (from both books) are valuable.  

As discussed in the book (the Hedgehogging book), now suppose you are a fund manager and your, when clients of your look at annual return, they will have a high probability of feeling happy and thus have strong confidence holding putting money in your fund. But, if they are able to look at your return everyday, their happiness will decrease, thus some (or many) of them may pull their money out of your fund, which then will make you nervous, worried, maybe angry, and may make you make irrational decisions. 

Actually, this is chain effect not only just apply to fund managers. To individual investors, it is the same because we are managers of "our fund". That is why I feel quite impressed when the author mentioned this first from citation of simple statistics example and come to a common phenomenon in the market -- falling into the trap of randomness. 

However, it seems the author (of book: fooled by randomness) would not forbid managers or investors from looking at their daily return, but instead he recommends that we should just need to know our performance in this trading day, but keep calm when making decisions, not driven by our mood, which I feel is a true statement but just too general to follow.

I am still in progress of reading this nice "Hedgehogging" book. Hope I can learn more from it and will keep posted when new interesting thing is found.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Readings for now to May

全球通史 [美]斯塔夫理阿诺斯
Business Cycles:History,Theory and Investment Reality
The Theory of Interest , Fisher , 1930
对冲基金风云录 (Hedgehogging)
A history of interest rates
Ray Dalio How the economic machine works
Ray Dalio: why-countries-succeed-and-fail-economically
Ray Dalio:  an-in-depth-look-at-deleveragings--ray-dalio-bridgewater

Hope I can finish most of them.

Friday, March 15, 2013

A little more to implement the code put just now

Nothing new here. Just write a little bit code to do geocoding on a large file of addresses. The R code is as follows.

# check and regeocoding NETS address
# using Google Map API

source("C:/Geocoding/GIS_Google_Map_API.R") # code listed in the previous blog

address <- read.csv("addresses.csv",header=T)

GeoResult <- c()

for(i in 1:dim(address)[1]){
    addr_item = address[i,]
    Addr <- addr_item$Addr
    Addr <- ifelse(, "", paste(Addr,", ") )
    City <- addr_item$City
    City <- ifelse(, "", paste(City,", ") )
    State <- addr_item$State
    State <- ifelse(, "", paste(State,", ") )
    Zip <- addr_item$ZIP
    Zip <- ifelse(, "", Zip )
    Zip4 <-addr_item$Plus4
    Zip4 <- ifelse(, "", paste("-",Zip4, sep="") )
    full_addr <- paste(Addr,City,State,Zip,Zip4, sep="")
    georesult <- gGeoCode(full_addr)
    if(georesult$status == "OK"){
        GeoResult_i <- cbind( rep(i,length(georesult$lat)) ,
    if(georesult$status != "OK") GeoResult_i <- c(i, full_addr, NA, NA, NA, NA, georesult$status )

    GeoResult <- rbind(GeoResult, GeoResult_i)
    Sys.sleep(0.5) # we need to pose a little bit or else google will regard it as too-many queries a time.

colnames(GeoResult) <- c("item", "full_addr", "lat", "lng", "formatted_address", "location_type", "status")


Geocoding using Google Map API via R with examples

Although I've taken an ArcGIS course before, I still like to use R as much as possible to complete some daily tasks (the reason is obvious...). These days one issue about geocoding or location based analysis comes out, driving more attention from me. Basically the task is to geocode and to check the accuracy of business addresses.

People around me mostly are using ArcGIS or use other expensive tools like TeleAtlas to do the geocoding. As I am not the core GIS person, I would like just to use my usual way --R -- to do the task. Here is the code I learned from this blog "Calling Google Maps API from R". I feel the code that the blog offers works pretty well. So I borrow it for my future reference and made some modification and examples based on my work experience.

For more information about Google Map API, we can refer to google's official documents:

#  R code to call Google Map API 
#  Source codes:
#  Reference:
library(XML) # use install.packages("XML") if you haven't install this XML library before

getDocNodeVal=function(doc, path)
   sapply(getNodeSet(doc, path), function(el) xmlValue(el))

  doc = xmlTreeParse(u, useInternal=TRUE)

  lat=getDocNodeVal(doc, "/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lat")
  lng=getDocNodeVal(doc, "/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lng")
  formatted_address =getDocNodeVal(doc, "/GeocodeResponse/result/formatted_address")
  location_type = getDocNodeVal(doc, "/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location_type")
  status = getDocNodeVal(doc, "/GeocodeResponse/status")
  list(lat = lat,  # latitude 
       lng = lng,  # longitude
       formatted_address=formatted_address,  # full addresses suggested by google
       location_type = location_type, # geocoding accuracy
       status=status # status of geocoding: OK or zero_results

#Example 1: you have a right address to geocode
str1 = "11 Wall St, New York, NY"

#Example 2: your address is too general, 
#           but still google can map it by approximation.
str2 = "Wall St, New York, NY"

#as you can see from the result,there are multiple matched pairs of geocode and matched address.
#in practice, you need to choose which one is more to your need.

#Example 3: your address is not accurate, but google can guess what it is.
str3= "11 Wall Rd, New York" #actually, it should be "Wall St"

#Example 4: your address is too bad, far from accurate, thus cannot be geocoded
str4= "1021 Watl P1lz"

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ray Dalio at Davos 2013

I recently came across Ray Dalio's talk about the 2013 world economy, which is taken by CNBC.

找到一篇讲 阿根廷金融危机 的文章


  ■本刊特约评论员 吴志华

《人民论坛》 (2002年第三期)

question on the huge debt of Chinese local government


这些问题是我在读 《搞懂金融的一本书》时候想到的。感觉要明白中国经济现状与以后的变化发展,这几个问题得弄清楚。


1. 国家设定了GDP增长的目标,于是地方政府为了迎合考核,追求GDP增长,于是大量进行政府投资。卖商业用地,搞房地产是快速增长GDP的一个好办法。于是政府进行了大量的基础建设,营造了好的投资环境,把土地变成合适的商业用地,高价卖出。这个过程中,大量的基建投资让政府负债。当然基建投资不完全是为了房地产,基建本身也是增长GDP的一个快速方法。于是地方政府有了巨额的债务。
2. 上面的分析可以说明,这些地方政府借来的强都到哪里去了。
3. 中央政府制定的目标:GDP增长。不过并没有设置合理的考核标准,GDP只求增长,不求质量与资源配置。
4. 这样看来应该是全国性的了。

Monday, March 11, 2013

what is investment

Just came across words on investment and spend when reading Fisher's book 'The Theory of Interest' -- to spend is to pay money for enjoyment which comes very soon; to invest is to pay money for enjoyment which are deferred in a later time.

Also, another feeling about what income is from the very beginning of the book is the income is a combination of satisfaction from enjoyment from or due to the labor, plus the real money income which can be used to be exchanged with other enjoyment, plus the cost of being alive. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Some notes from Cooperate Finance study

Accounting is a language of Business.
Finance is about the study of 'value', not necessarily all about money.