Monday, November 19, 2012

Get ForEx data using quantmod R package

The first step of every analysis is getting enough data.

I am interested in the foreign exchange market and curious about the pattern about the exchange rate change; therefore, I try to find some convenient way to obtain the ForEx data.

Thanks to the "quantmod" package recently developed by some kind people, now I can download the forex data at least for some preliminary analysis, if not perfect data I hope to have.

The follows are what I have learnt from an example in the "quantmod" webiste.

# for example, I need to have forex data about USD again CAD price from 2004 to the current 



forex12 <- USDCAD
forex11 <- USDCAD
forex10 <- USDCAD
forex09 <- USDCAD
forex08 <- USDCAD
forex07 <- USDCAD
forex06 <- USDCAD
forex05 <- USDCAD
forex04 <- USDCAD

forex <-rbind(forex04,forex05,forex06,forex07,forex08,forex09,forex10,forex11,forex12)

# make a rough plot to see the daily change

chartSeries(forex,theme = chartTheme("white"))

This downloading method works well, but I still feel the data is not enough to support some analysis, particular some short term trading strategy, so I really need to figure out if there is any way to have data in 5 mins or hours instead of on a daily average.

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